Make a donation 🎁

Every support makes a difference!

💰 We operate within the framework of the Inna Przestrzeń foundation and our sub-account (in PLN) has the following number: 25 2130 0004 2001 0374 4232 0014 (Volkswagen Bank Direct), add in the title that you would like the donation to be earmarked for BDD (Christmas Days of Good).

If you want to make a transfer to an account in a currency other than zlotys you can do so to the foundation’s collective accounts, but remember to include “BDD” in the title of the transfer (which stands for Christmas Days of Good) in the title of the transfer:

💸 IBAN (USD): PL74105010121000009030826342

💸 IBAN (EUR): PL21105010121000009030826326


 ▶️Would you like to make a donation via PayPal? ▶️

What will the donations be used for?

When doing an event for families with children, we need to ensure their safety. Therefore, we will need paramedics, security and identificators, safety procedures and other things related to the event so that only good fun and not mishaps arise from our good intentions. 

Such services are not usually provided by volunteering or donation, so we simply need money to pay for them.

Did you know that right next to you, in our neighbourhood, there are families, children, who will not so much not see presents under the Christmas tree, but will simply go hungry? 

We don’t want to allow that. We want there to be them as few as possible at this special time. And our dream is that no one goes hungry. That is why we are making every effort to ensure that every family who receives an invitation to the 2023 Christmas Days of Good also receives a package with basic food products.

Food is the most difficult item to obtain through donations. This is why we are very much asking for collections and why we also need funds.

When we did the “Wielkie Święto  na Dzień Dziecka” the most popular thing was… the sandwiches. This was very nice for us, but at the same time scary, because it simply meant that the children who came to us were simply hungry… Therefore, on this special day we want to organise refreshments and warm tea again. 

In order to do this, we need to purchase some of the ingredients that we cannot get from the producers as a donation and disposable crockery so that the serving of food is hygienic.

During the event, children will be able to enjoy a wide variety of workshops. Although almost all of them are organised on a voluntary basis and others are funded by companies in the form of support, we have to provide the participants with the materials for them. You can’t paint without paper, make baubles, candles and cards without the right components…

… and that’s it. The funds you donate to Christmas Good Days will go towards exactly these activities and nothing else.